1. I don't think I have eaten a thing with any source of nutritional value in the last 48 hours. My diet has consisted of chocolates, buttered/salted popcorn, chocolate covered popcorn, french fries, pizza and Dr. Pepper. You know its bad when I am actually craving healthy foods.
2. I don't like the term Hubby at all. Don't take offense if you use it, that is totally your choice, but as for me, I will never use hubby, hubs, husby, hubster or anything like that.
3. Although I would love to be, I am not a routine person. However, my morning routine is strictly the same almost every day. This is especially important in my showering routine. Also, I cannot blow dry my hair right after getting out of the shower, it has to air dry for a few minutes before. During these few minutes, I start, but don't finish my make up. Once I am done blow drying, I finish my make up and then straighten my hair.
4. I absolutely hate raisins. I think they are so disgusting and even though I hardly pass up anything sweet, I won't eat sweets with raisins. However, I love raisin bran and in that case, the more raisins the better.
5. I would definitely rather be cold than hot. Being hot makes me grumpy.
6. I talk to my puppy like he is a person.
7. I absolutely have to say "I love you" to end a phone conversation to anyone in my family, but especially Cam.
8. I could read about cooking tips and tricks all day. In fact, I have a couple cook books that are filled with such information and I could read them like a novel.
9. I love old buildings. I love older homes, churches, and especially European castles. They are so charming and filled with so much character.
10. I love pretty packages. I definitely believe in the phrase "presentation is everything". I happily (and sometimes unhappily) stress about how the things I bake and the gifts I give are going to be packaged or presented. I really appreciate how things are displayed and put almost as much effort into how something looks as how it tastes.
So there you have it...10 random facts that I'm sure you were dying to know. I thought it would be harder to think of things, but it was actually quite easy and fun. Hopefully you will see a post about our Christmas sooner than later, as soon as I upload the pictures :)